biotics Features

Wild life

The Plants

    Bengal bamboo- growing in patches or an undergrowth individual scatter around the same place and this plant is very good in moist environments, It can grow from 40ft to 80ft in length

    Durain -this is an ancient producer that grows low in the rainforest and produces big fruit that hang hang from its trunk. Scientist say that this plant was the first to rely on animals to spreed seeds around. To do this they give a scent that smells delicious to the herbivor.

    Jambu - A small plant that grows about to 10ft to 20 feet tall. It like lots rain and has leaves grow close to the ground
    Strangler Figs - It's sweet fruit is one of the food choices of many animals. The fruit on the figs are very essential to some animals and the plant can grow up to 145 feet high which reach the canopy of the rainforest.

The Animal life

    Dawn Bat-They have huge long curved teeth. The males tend to be bigger than the female so the males can weigh up to 55 to 82g and the females females 38 to 78g. They don,t have claws on their index fingers.
    King Cobra - is a snake can grow up to 12 to 18 feet in length and fangs are can grow up to half an inch. this type of snake can way up to 212 to 20 lb. They are extremely dangerous to mess with ;there venom has the strength of the same strength when they were born as it is as an adult.
    Silvery Gibbon - this animal can sing a song that can be heard over a mile away. They make territories that can be 42 acres And they prefer a dense closed canopy of the rainforest.
    Sumatran Rhinoceros -This is the smallest Rhinoceros with a leathery hide that is brown. It has a body length of about 8 to 8.5 feet. This animal is the only Asian rhinoceros with two horns.This creature lives in a small population scattered around the forest. They spend much of their day in mud wallows.

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Interesting things

This is the Oldest Rainforest -it goes back to 70 million years ( to the pleistocene Epoch) It's a 3,100 mile chain of 20,000 island between Asia and Australia. It covers 1,112,000 square miles (almost twice the sizes of Alaska).